Singing Guide: Avicii feat. Noonie Bao

Singing Guide: Avicii feat. Noonie Bao

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Avicii was a pioneer of the EDM era, he brought about a new sound, and also got to grips with acoustic melodies all mixed with the appropriate dose of electronic beats. Today, we are going to learn how to sing like Avicii, with a focus on his particular song, "Lonely Together," featuring the brilliant singer, Noonie Bao.

To learn how to sing like Avicii, you should listen to his music and study his widely eclectic style. Avicii has an uncanny instinct for catchy and accessible hooks, and a carefully curated sense of melody. His music also depends heavily on the interplay between vocals and electronic beats, where complex layering of sound rather than simplicity is the name of the game.

A general vocal technique to adopt when singing in an upbeat techno context is to balance your breathing with the melody effectively. You can start by understanding basic breathing techniques, and then train your lung capacity. Singing exercises like the ones linked below can improve your breath control and range:

To achieve Avicii's specific vocal style, train your voice to execute quick vibrato and learn how to emphasize lyrics naturally. You can also imbue your singing with rhythm, syncopation trickles, and sound that can aid the production of similar elements in your test performances.

These resources could help you train your voice to sing like Avicii:

Also, try to incorporate pop/jazz vs. classical singing techniques into your singing to obtain a balanced vocal technique. You can find more details in the article linked below:

To master Avicii's signature sound, try to incorporate his unique sounds and the songs that showcase them into your practice routine. In the case of Lonely Together, the approach is to explore a series of melancholic and deliberately spaced out hooks meshed with some colder beats in the background. Analyze how Noonie Bao's voice interplays with the melody of Lonely Together. Use this focus song as inspiration to develop and perfect your singing skills.

Lastly, ensure you stay healthy - singing, too, requires you to be physically and mentally healthy. So care for your voice and your body with simple techniques like those linked below:

Hope these resources help you learn how to sing like Avicii. Good luck with exploring a new sound!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.